The PPDMC marches around the Green to lead the 2008 St. Patrick's Day Parade in Morristown, New Jersey.

The members of the PPDMC warming up before leading the 2008 St. Patrick's Day Parade in Morristown. Sorry about the trailing drones.... that was me!
The PPDMC marching in the 2008 West Orange St. Patrick's Day Parade.
The members of the PPDMC entertain the crowd in a nice little Irish watering hole at the end of the 2008 West Orange Parade.
The drummers of the PPDMC carry us through the 2008 St. Patrick's Day Parade in West Orange with their Street Beat!!
A fun look back at some photographs from the past couple of years.
This short video was taken as the Police Pipes & Drums lead the 2007 Morris County St. Patrick's Day Parade in Morristown.

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Copyright 2006 - Police Pipes & Drums of Morris County.